DELACOLINA Films, was founded by Jorge De La Colina in 2013, in Brownsville, Texas. After working several years in independent films, followed by 8 years of producing local and regional television commercials for Televisa, Jorge decided to formalize his efforts into a production company that focused on high-quality, cinematic storytelling.
Working in local and regional television commercials for Televisa also provided specific and useful skillsets. He was in charge of all aspects of pre-production, production, and post-production for hundreds of commercials that ran on the air, stayed within budget, and delivered on time. During these years he was able to work with a wide range of businesses, hundreds of locations, budgets, and other limitations in a fast-paced environment.
Shortly after moving into corporate film, he was able to work with higher production budgets and longer film projects. This allowed a greater degree of freedom to start employing a higher cinematic storytelling aspect to his promotional films, something that his clients weren’t able to achieve otherwise.
Working with ultra-low budget independent films, Jorge is no stranger to flexibility.
“You can plan, plan, and plan some more. But when working with ultra-low budgets, anything can happen— locations, cast, anything can become compromised. Add shooting in exteriors to the mix and the level of unpredictability just went up. Don’t get me wrong, you HAVE to plan. You just have to plan that much harder to anticipate all possible scenarios. You learn to think on your feet. Always stay flexible.”
Jorge has recently began gravitating towards narrative storytelling again.
“Everything began with film — and since I’ve been away, working on my skills as an artist, producing, directing, lighting, writing for the business world, I’ve been anxiously waiting for a chance to come back and get into film. I have some great projects on the horizon that I can’t wait to start working on!”